Products and prices

Choose from our selection of 3 products available for either a 30-day access or an annual subscription.
You can try out all products free of charge for 5 days.

Valuation Pro

All data for business valuations

Beta factors, cost of capital, multiples, benchmarking

Data on more than 30,000 international companies

Transfer Pricing Pro

Profit margins for transfer prices

EBITDA, EBIT, gross profit margin, etc.

Data on more than 30,000 international companies

Credit Spreads Pro

Credit spreads for arm's length interest rates

Smart tool for rating and creditworthiness assessment

More than 30,000 bonds

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By experts, for experts
Standard-compliant work. High level of detail and analysis options.
Quality and transparency
Transparent data source and calculations. Retrieve raw data.
Smart tools
Intelligent algorithms for evaluating and aggregating data.
Legally non-objectionable data
High-quality raw data that meets current standards and requirements. Comprehensible documentation.
Quick results
Easy-to-use user interface, quick evaluation of data.
Extensive database
Financial and capital market data for all capital markets worldwide.
Valuation Pro
Credit Spreads Pro
Transfer Pricing Pro

Beta factors

Cost of capital



Transfer pricing

Arm's length interest rates

5-day trial

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

30 days




365 days

upon request

upon request

upon request

If you choose to purchase multiple modules, you will receive a discount. This is our way of accommodating you and providing you with the opportunity to efficiently meet your requirements while maximizing your financial flexibility.
Additional user licenses can be acquired at a reduced price.
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Capital market data of the highest quality — up to date and in compliance with standards

Calculating beta factors for business valuation is particularly challenging, as the data must be accurate and comprehensible in order to avoid expensive mistakes. At smartZebra, we understand the importance of accurate beta calculations, especially when it comes to future-oriented corporate values. That is why we offer a comprehensive database of over 27,000 companies from the world's major capital markets, including a search function that helps to identify suitable peer groups for difficult cases.

But what is the beta factor anyway and why is it so important? The beta factor of a stock describes the risk in relation to the risk of the entire stock market. The beta factor is determined by the regression of the return on stocks against the yield of a broad stock index. Companies with a beta factor of more than 1 have a higher risk than the market, while companies with a beta factor of less than 1 are considered to be more stable.

Our smartZebra database offers a variety of industry betas for 20 sectors and 129 sub-sectors. We transparently display the number of companies in the sub-sectors and which companies they are. In combination with our company database and our intelligent search function, you can quickly find the right peer groups.

Whether you're an experienced business analyst or just need an overview, our database of high-quality capital market data will help you work more precisely and effectively. Take advantage of this opportunity today!